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Lynne Roberts
Writer, Comic, Kookamunga

Upcoming Performances
Storytelling Shows:
March 13, Serving the Sentence, Heartland Cafe's Red Line Tap, 7:30 pm
May 11, Loose Chicks, Uncharted Books, 7:00 pm
June 22, Loose Chicks Uptown, Emerald City cafe, 8:00 pm
Sketch Comedy:
Labor Day weekend 2018, Solo Sketch, Chicago Fringe Festival, Jefferson Park $10
Lynne Roberts Solo Sketch Kookoomunga
The Gift Theater: 4802 N Milwaukee Ave
Sat (9/1) at 5:30 pm; Sun (9/2) at 8:30 pm; and Mon (9/3) at 1:00 pm
If you want to book me for a storytelling, stand-up comedy, or sketch comedy, please use the "Contact me!" button and send me a message!!

About Me
Lynne grew up painfully shy but with the love of stand-up comedy, listening to Steve Martin, Bill Cosby, George Carlin, and Eddie Murphy records (YES! Records.). Because she was terrified to speak out loud in front of people, but had a wild imagination to tame, she stuck to writing stories. She graduated with a BA in Creative Writing and worked as a children's book editor and writer for years. "Wait! I want to save the Earth!" she thought. So she got her Masters in Environmental Studies and became the most un-scientific environmental scientist on the planet. But she always kept writing, albeit not terribly successfully. She has completed four novels as part of the National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) and is 3/4 done with another novel she started 10 years ago (YES! I know!). After saving the environment, Lynne wanted to just help people, so she got another Masters in Social Work.
She has a podcast which is a love letter to the show Ghost Adventures called the I Love Ghost Adventures podcast (catchy right?) You can find the podcast on your favorite podcast platforms or here:
Lynne has performed stories, stand-up comedy, and sketch comedy at various festivals around the country, such as the Fillet of Solo festival, the North Carolina Comedy Arts Festival, Gilda's Laugh Fest., Chicago Sketch Fest, and Chicago Fringe Festival.
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